Our Mission

To research, support, and provide high quality medical, community support, and mental health services focused on reducing cost barriers to care while consistently increasing positive outcomes for underinsured, or uninsured adults, families, and kids in the state of Georgia.

Board of Directors

Justin Glaeser – Chairman

Justin decided to start CCA after 4 years overseeing the day-to-day operations of one the largest privately owned mental health practices in the state. Using his background in healthcare administration, Justin wanted to create a better space for the community and mental health providers. In addition to CCA, Justin provides management consulting services to multiple medical and mental health organizations in Georgia.

Dr. Andrew Pugliese

Dr. Pugliese received his doctorate from St. George’s University School of Medicine and completed his Infectious Disease Fellowship at Winthrop University Hospital. He is triple board certified in Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease, and Sleep Medicine. Dr. Pugliese runs an active blog named The ID Doc in which he addresses infectious disease, sleep, diet, overall health and healthcare topics. 

Medical Integration

Comprehensive Care is just that, a health for your wellness. We work with your Primary Care Physician (PCP), pediatrician, specialist care physician, psychiatrist – whomever makes up your health care team. Our goal is streamlined care that helps you and your family. We believe that a better quality of life is available to us all when partners work together to provide individuals with the common goal of overall wellness, higher functioning, and a focus on the individual across the lifespan.

Services & Specialties

Our behavioral health services focus on identifying, managing, and stabilizing issues that could be effecting your daily life. Our therapists will work closely with you to determine and execute a plan to address and stabilize issues effecting your overall quality of life. 

In addition to traditional services, CCA puts a strong emphasis on integrated healthcare. The main focus of integrated healthcare is the convergence of behavioral health and medical care to provide a true “whole health” service model and treatment approach. 


Anxiety has many different symptoms as it manifests across the lifespan. Small children, teens, and adults all experience anxiety in different emotional and physiological ways. Tummy aches, head aches, changes in sleeping and eating patterns, and general emotional liability all can indicate anxiety in the young client. Difficulties in communication as a result of fear and avoidance can cause relationships to become less fruitful and worsen symptoms without intervention.

Depression changes an individual’s abilities to work and function within the family due to pregnancy, illness, or life circumstances can attribute to fewer feelings of wellness and overall decrease in functioning. Accepting that change is a constant and managing our expectations to achieve positive outcomes is a life skill that is never too late to refresh!

When managing stress, distress and eustress are both forms of stress that can have positive or negative effects on health, motivation, performance, and emotional well-being. Successful navigation of life circumstances can change from day to day, but having effective coping strategies at your disposal can greatly improve the way individuals move through their days.

Traumatic events that occur which are out of the usual range of experience can sometimes have lasting negative effects on an individual. Learning how to identify, manage symptoms, and respond to these echoes which occur in sufferers’ daily lives is an important part of the healing journey. 

The changes in identity from childhood to adolescence are vast and then another leap occurs from adulthood to moving into partnership and starting a family. Often issues of identity, dependence, and security arise as we move through phases of life.

Parenting isn’t easy. Children do not arrive with instruction manuals, so whether you brought them home from the hospital or they moved in when they were a little older, it can sometimes be difficult to know the best way to navigate life’s challenges. We are always happy to work with parents to find ways to communicate and address situations in the most helpful way possible.

Bilingual services

We know the importance of being heard and truly understood. Half of our providers and our administrative staff here at Comprehensive Care are native Spanish speakers. We want to be able to help everyone in Georgia to gain access to healthcare they can truly understand and empower themselves to know they are making an informed choice in matters related to their wellness. 

Understanding the cultural barriers to healthcare is an essential part of treatment. Our goal is to ensure that care is clear, choices are readily understood, and considerations are made with focus on the family of origin, their faith, and traditions given respect and difference. 

If you want to make an impact to help us reach more Georgians and speak another language fluently, please contact us on how you can help in our mission to serve everyone with accessible services.

Research & Training

Our providers work with you using empirically based methods that provide shorter intervals of care. We work with other healthcare professionals to ensure that you receive the most effective care. Sleep is an essential part of wellness and a major focus of your care should always be on how to ensure you and your family are getting the best rest possible. Through partnering for research with Kennesaw State University, contributing to ongoing studies regarding community mental health, and supporting our emergency medical response services our care for our community focuses on the well being of the individuals, as well as, our first responders.

Internships & Opportunities

CCAGA is hiring! We are looking for 2-3 licensed professionals (LPC or LAPC) that are motivated and wanting to join our team immediately. Contact us if you are interested in applying!

Training is provided through an ongoing partnership with Wake Forest University as a part of their Practicum and Internship program for the Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health degree, in cooperation with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Comprehensive Care embraces the opportunity to train clinicians in best practices and the holistic care model. If you are a student or university and would like to intern or work with us, contact us!

Supporting our Community

Mental health access and availability is crucial to the wellness of individuals, their families, and our neighborhood community. Georgia can be a wonderful place to live, prosper, and raise families. 

  • Georgia ranks 48th in the 50 states and Washington D.C. for access to mental health care, resources, and insurance.*
  • 1:5 Georgians who have a serious mental illness end up in prison instead of a hospital.*
  • 2:5 Georgia children have trouble accessing the mental health treatment they need. *

*Mental Health America of Georgia, mhageorgia.org

Providing preventative care services is the best way to safeguard wellness and prevent serious mental health difficulties from becoming long term problems. Higher levels of care necessary for stabilization in times of crisis are costly and do not necessarily correlate with increased outcomes. Staying aware of family health history, stressors, and planning for successful outcomes can make a real difference in keeping care manageable and solution focused. 

Ensuring access to health care for the uninsured and underinsured in our community through copay assistance and pro bono services helps to reduce the influx of non-urgent care to community emergency rooms. Efficient care is well managed where the appropriate level of service is readily available to all Georgians. We have seen the effect on our health care workers in the last few years of an overburdened medical community and a resulting shortage in workers to care for us in times of need.

Affordable access to prescription medications is another way that individuals and families can become easily overwhelmed in their wellness journey. We work with patients to assist in locating the most cost-effective way to obtain their prescriptions that are designated by their physician team.  

CCA is working on providing more supports to our community. Look out for more information about:

  • Providing financial support to our high school seniors in order to pay for AP classes and university applications
  • Providing financial support and scholarships for psychiatric/psychological evaluations and mental health services
  • Providing support groups, family nights, free services, education workshops at schools or events

Click here for more information!